Thursday, January 6, 2011

Being a helper

A lot of people ask what is the meaning of life? What is my purpose on Earth? I believe that one of the reasons I was put on this Earth was to help others. Even if I have had the most crappiest day ever, if I have helped improve someone else's day, I consider it a good successful day. Nothing brings me more joy than to see others happy.
Today was a really tough day. I was way stressed out and had a lot on my plate. I couldn't focus because I had hardly gotten any sleep the night before because of the stress. I was frazzled, tired, anxious, snappy and just in kind of a downer mood. But I had several friends come to me tonight with different problems in different situations. I talked to them and was able to help each one of them find a solution to their problems through love, understanding, and good advice. Although the rest of my day had been really rough, because I helped my friends I would consider this one of the best days I've had in a while :)

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