Friday, September 23, 2011

Help Me!!!!!!

I don't know how much longer I can keep this up... let me show you a break down of my day and the time spent on everything in a week...

hours in a week-168

getting ready-7 hours
at school- 21 hours
at work- 42 hours
at church-5 hours
travel-10 hours
practicing clarinet- 10 hours
homework- 10 hours
sleep-50 hours

total: 155 hours

And this is just if i'm being extremely efficient, which I'm not a lot of the time... But that means I have 13 free hours in my entire week. that's less than 2 hours a day. And that's because I'm still not practicing my clarinet as much as I should... my clarinet time should be between 14-35 hours... and homework should be at 20 at least... that's MORE hours than there are in a week, which is why 50 hours is extremely generous for sleep. This also leaves absolutely no time whatsoever for socializing. I'm still a teenage girl; I need to socialize; I need time to just sit, relax, and chill. It's not even midterm and I already think I'm going to collapse and fail at something. I never have time to read my textbooks or practice so I'm falling behind. I'm so determined to perform passably in band that I'm skipping other classes to get practice time in. This is making me suffer in my other classes. But what else can I do? Especially since most of the time that I am home is time when normal people are asleep, so it's not like I can get effective practice time in then.... I'm honestly thinking about just doing band next semester and working because that's something that I can handle.... It'll be better once I change my major, but that doesn't help me NOW. What should I do?! How am I suppose to survive these next couple months?! Thank goodness for tithing and the gospel <3

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