Friday, December 23, 2011

Bieber Fever

AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I don't care what anyone else says, I love Justin Bieber! He's cute as I'll get out! He's got such an amazing voice that makes me want to melt! He's so sweet! He's only 2 years younger than me! and on top of everything else, I'm allowed to have my own freakin opinion!!!!!!!!

Everyone always gives me crap because I don't follow the crowd. When Hannah Montana came out I liked her too until she turned into a slut. All my friends were constantly dissing me when I would sing her songs or say that I liked her, then when I stopped liking her because she turned into a skank, everyone else started to like her and they thought I was weird for not liking her. Now I like the Biebs and I'm always getting teased for it. I don't see the big deal, everyone has different tastes. I don't tell my friends they're freaks because they listen to their annoying heavy rock, screamo, sexual, devil worshiping or whatever music. Please tell me if I'm missing something; I thought individuality was a good thing, I thought we were suppose to have our own thoughts and opinions, and I thought being different was what so many are striving for. So I'm the bad one because I ACTUALLY achieved it? Why am I lame because my opinions and interests aren't as rough or vulgar as the general consensus? I think that's a good thing.

So to anyone that wants to give me crap because I like a cute young singer with a good voice that sings fun, clean songs with a beat that I like, get over yourselves! Seriously, I'm sure you've got plenty of better stuff to be doing with your time than picking on my for being unique.

I love you Justin <3

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