Sunday, December 2, 2012

Testimony Time- The Power of Prayer

I don't know if this is something that everyone does, or if I'm just weird, but every Fast Sunday I prepare a testimony in my head, even though I never get up and share it. Either there are too many people already rushing to the podium and not enough time, I don't realize what time it is and the meeting ends before I get myself up there, or I'm just too dang scared or lazy to get my butt out of the seat. Although it's not good for me to never bear my testimony and I'm working on getting up there more often, it's still a shame that those testimonies never get shared, even though they are often simple and may seem silly. So, I've decided that I want to start posting them on here, whether I end up doing it in church or not. Not only will that be an opportunity to bare my testimony to others, but this way it's written down so I can look back on it when I need a little reminder in life. Plus, I feel like I can be more open and descriptive here about certain stuff, like describing my horrible job or mentioning my pathetic grades. lol

So, as most of you know from my last post, in August I started a new job at Teleperformance because I needed more money. It was really bad and I was having a really rough time. I found myself struggling just to get out of bed every morning because I was so miserable. I would come home emotionally exhausted and beaten up and didn't have energy to do anything, not even go to school (my grades will tell you that). Finally, one night, I got down on my knees and begged Heavenly Father to just help me make it though the next day. That day I found that, even though the job still sucked, I had more patience, a better attitude, and was able to come home and not end up crying in my bed. That night I thanked God for giving me strength that day and asked him to help me the next day. I did this every night, and work became somewhat bearable. But I still hated it and wanted more than anything to get out of there. Along with strength, I asked Heavenly Father to help me find a new job. I asked every night, filled out endless applications, went to several interviews, got my hopes up time and time again, but nothing ever happened. I was so upset! But one night, while saying my prayers, I asked Heavenly Father why I couldn't find a job; there had to have been some reason. I though through lessons I could possibly be learning, people I could have been helping, but I couldn't think of any legit reason. Why was Heavenly Father doing this to me?!
One day, I had slept in and skipped work because I just couldn't bring myself to go in that day (I know, I'm a horrible person), and I spent the whole day filling out more job applications. In the process, a good friend, Xander, started messaging me on Facebook. He told me I should apply at his job. I was a little hesitant because I didn't know a lot about computers or sales, and those were the two positions available. Plus, we had kinda liked each other before and he had kissed me and left, but would still sometimes flirt and I didn't know what I thought of him at the time or if I wanted to be working with him... But, I decided to go for it. I e-mailed in my resume, he had his boss look for it, and I had an interview for the next day. I went in, did my best, and he told me he'd call me and let me know by that evening if I had gotten it or not. I was at home, playing Minecraft, when I got the call.... I had gotten the job and he wanted me to start that Monday!!!! As soon as I hung up, I started screaming, crying, and jumping around the house!!!! I immediately went in my room to pray and thank my Heavenly Father for blessing me with this job. I now understood why I hadn't gotten any of the other jobs because now I had a better paying one that was closer to home, had a better schedule, and amazing people to work with! But as soon as I finished my prayer, it REALLY hit me. Before I had started at Teleperformance I had been horrible about saying my prayers. I hardly ever did it and it had really taken a toll on my life and spirituality. Now, I was praying every day; I realized that that had been my first instinct after I had gotten the job. I now understood why it had taken so long for my prayers to be answered. It is amazing the influence The Lord has in our lives. I want to bear you my testimony of the wonderful power of prayer, and in having trust in our Savior. Our prayers will always be answered. Always. Although, it might not be in the way we want it to, but trust me when I say that He knows better than we do, and if we trust in Him then our reward will be far greater than we ever thought possible. I love my Heavenly Father and I am so grateful for the opportunity I have to communicate with him through prayer. I say these things in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.

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