Sunday, December 2, 2012

Testimony Time- The Power of Prayer

I don't know if this is something that everyone does, or if I'm just weird, but every Fast Sunday I prepare a testimony in my head, even though I never get up and share it. Either there are too many people already rushing to the podium and not enough time, I don't realize what time it is and the meeting ends before I get myself up there, or I'm just too dang scared or lazy to get my butt out of the seat. Although it's not good for me to never bear my testimony and I'm working on getting up there more often, it's still a shame that those testimonies never get shared, even though they are often simple and may seem silly. So, I've decided that I want to start posting them on here, whether I end up doing it in church or not. Not only will that be an opportunity to bare my testimony to others, but this way it's written down so I can look back on it when I need a little reminder in life. Plus, I feel like I can be more open and descriptive here about certain stuff, like describing my horrible job or mentioning my pathetic grades. lol

So, as most of you know from my last post, in August I started a new job at Teleperformance because I needed more money. It was really bad and I was having a really rough time. I found myself struggling just to get out of bed every morning because I was so miserable. I would come home emotionally exhausted and beaten up and didn't have energy to do anything, not even go to school (my grades will tell you that). Finally, one night, I got down on my knees and begged Heavenly Father to just help me make it though the next day. That day I found that, even though the job still sucked, I had more patience, a better attitude, and was able to come home and not end up crying in my bed. That night I thanked God for giving me strength that day and asked him to help me the next day. I did this every night, and work became somewhat bearable. But I still hated it and wanted more than anything to get out of there. Along with strength, I asked Heavenly Father to help me find a new job. I asked every night, filled out endless applications, went to several interviews, got my hopes up time and time again, but nothing ever happened. I was so upset! But one night, while saying my prayers, I asked Heavenly Father why I couldn't find a job; there had to have been some reason. I though through lessons I could possibly be learning, people I could have been helping, but I couldn't think of any legit reason. Why was Heavenly Father doing this to me?!
One day, I had slept in and skipped work because I just couldn't bring myself to go in that day (I know, I'm a horrible person), and I spent the whole day filling out more job applications. In the process, a good friend, Xander, started messaging me on Facebook. He told me I should apply at his job. I was a little hesitant because I didn't know a lot about computers or sales, and those were the two positions available. Plus, we had kinda liked each other before and he had kissed me and left, but would still sometimes flirt and I didn't know what I thought of him at the time or if I wanted to be working with him... But, I decided to go for it. I e-mailed in my resume, he had his boss look for it, and I had an interview for the next day. I went in, did my best, and he told me he'd call me and let me know by that evening if I had gotten it or not. I was at home, playing Minecraft, when I got the call.... I had gotten the job and he wanted me to start that Monday!!!! As soon as I hung up, I started screaming, crying, and jumping around the house!!!! I immediately went in my room to pray and thank my Heavenly Father for blessing me with this job. I now understood why I hadn't gotten any of the other jobs because now I had a better paying one that was closer to home, had a better schedule, and amazing people to work with! But as soon as I finished my prayer, it REALLY hit me. Before I had started at Teleperformance I had been horrible about saying my prayers. I hardly ever did it and it had really taken a toll on my life and spirituality. Now, I was praying every day; I realized that that had been my first instinct after I had gotten the job. I now understood why it had taken so long for my prayers to be answered. It is amazing the influence The Lord has in our lives. I want to bear you my testimony of the wonderful power of prayer, and in having trust in our Savior. Our prayers will always be answered. Always. Although, it might not be in the way we want it to, but trust me when I say that He knows better than we do, and if we trust in Him then our reward will be far greater than we ever thought possible. I love my Heavenly Father and I am so grateful for the opportunity I have to communicate with him through prayer. I say these things in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.

Sunday, October 28, 2012

Job blues

Ok, so... I started a new job 2 months ago at a call center called Teleperformance, and let me tell you something... If you need a job, don't go there!!!! At least not on the Verizon project. It is a living Hell. I seriously feel the happiness drain from my body the moment I drive into the parking lot. I know this sounds like I'm just being dramatic and I hate my job like every other person out there, but this is different, and I'm going to tell you why.

First, the job itself. I am doing tech support for Verizon FiOS. This encompasses home phones, internet, and video. Seems easy enough, right? Tell the customer to reset their equipment and you're good? No. There are SOOOOOO many things that can, and do, go wrong with these services. Not only do you have to make sure the cx (customer) can make and receive calls, but also that their voice mail and other phone features are all working and that the cx knows how to use them all properly. Not only do you have to make sure that the cx has internet, but also that it's going fast enough and they can connect to the WiFi and that their e-mail is working and all the settings are set up to their satisfaction. Not only do you have to make sure that the cx can watch tv, but also that their picture is crystal clear (you'd be surprised how many people flip out because we "only" have 1080p and not 1080i. There's no difference people!), and their guide is working and they can use the video on demand and DVR perfectly and their remotes are working to their expectations. That's a lot of stuff, but those are really just the basics! There's a thousand different things that could go wrong, even some that the supervisors have never seen and don't know how to fix, but you're expected to resolve the problem one way or another. Not to mention the fact that you have, like, a thousand different departments to transfer people to, and no one can ever seem to transfer people to the right place the first time, so by the time they get to me I'm the 5th person the cx has talked to and they're pissed. Which leads me to my next reason...

Second, the customers. You would think that because you are nice and able to fix a customer's problem that they would be happy and grateful right? Don't bite the hand that feels you. No. Not only do they bite your feeding hand, but they go straight for the neck! They're ticked off at Verizon for having crappy products, previous reps for transferring them around, and you for not having ALL their information ready as soon as they call in and fixing their problem within 5 min. They don't understand that it takes a few minutes to send commands to their equipment. They don't understand that there's a billion things that could be wrong and you still have to go through a process to figure out what the problem is before you can fix it. They think that because they pay Verizon a couple hundred buck a month that we should be kissing their butts and bending over backwards to, not only make their service work, but to please them and bow down to their every whim. They think we have 7 million field techs just sitting around waiting to come out to their house at the drop of a hat for every little issue, even if it's something like plugging in a single cable... I can't imagine yelling at someone who had the ability to help me. Why is it that no one understands that if you treat them nice then they'll be more willing to help you? And if you treat them like crap then they're just going to do the bare minimum and try to get you off the line as fast as possible. I just don't get it.

Third problem there is the environment. You are in queue the entire day. It is just one call after another from open til close. You're in your little cubical, which is very secluding. But all that is somewhat bearable, the part that really gets me is the leadership. The Internal Help Desk (IHD) and supervisors don't give a flying leap about you. It takes forever to get help from anyone if you don't know something, they give you a quick answer and then leave, which is really annoying because half the time it's not the answer you needed and you had another question for them too but they're gone before you can call them back so you have to wait for someone else to come by to try again. I got really lucky and I have the one supervisor that actually sticks around and is more understanding, but he has a lot to do so he can only do so much by himself. It wouldn't be as bad if I knew what I was doing. The reason I don't know what I'm doing is because the trainer I had was crap. He sucked at teaching, got distracted very easily, wouldn't stop talking about himself, and was a jerk to us as a class. Every time someone didn't understand something and asked a question or for clarification, he somehow turned it into a huge argument. Not only did that waste time, but it also made the class upset and it was more difficult to learn. Plus, when he teaches he'll just lecture and his voice is so boring that even I can't stay awake for more than 10 minutes...

Fourth problem I have is with the attitude of the other agents. Verizon is trying to push for excellence and great customer service, but I'm constantly having customers tell me that I'm the first rep they've had that wasn't a jerk and/or a complete moron (which is saying something because I have no clue what I'm doing)... Agents snap at cxs, transfer them without telling them what's going on, act like they don't care, and talk to them like they're idiots (even though most of them are, you still don't talk to someone like that)... This makes my calls that much harder because not only am I trying to fix their problem and give them a good experience, but I'm having to make up for the huge negative experience the cx has already had. Do I have to do everything myself?!

So, as you can see, there is a lot of stuff that could be improved at Teleperformance in Verizon. I have to drag myself out of bed every morning and go through an internal struggle every day debating on it's worth it or if I'd rather give up my car and not go to school, just so I could get a job that pays less but made me less miserable. If you are tough and don't care about how you're treated or the customers, then the money is pretty good and you could probably work there just fine. But it is definitely NOT the right place for me... So if anyone knows of any full time jobs that pay $10+ an hour then please let me know!!!!!!!!

Friday, June 1, 2012

That'll do pig, that'll do...

I've decided I am going to start calling M'kenna "Babe" because she is the pig in Orem City...

M'kenna and I have never been the tidiest people. Growing up my mom would constantly be on our case about cleaning up. With me it was mostly just stuff on the floor of my room, with Kenna it was everything... When I moved out my habits came with me; I'd take a few days to do my dishes, I'd leave my clothes on the floor and stuff would pile up on my desk. However, as time went on I started getting grossed out by the dishes so I started cleaning them right after I used them, I kept my floor tidier, I clean up messes that I made, and I tried organizing my desk more often.
Kenna had the same problem when she moved in with me, the only problem is that her mess gets in everyone's way (I at least tried to keep mine confined to my room), and she's not learning! 9 months and she still NEVER does her dishes, she never helps out with any chores, her clothes are scattered all over her floor and there's a big pile behind our door that prevents me from opening it more than half way, her stuff is EVERYWHERE in the apartment, she has all these crafts and then never picks up the mess, there's so much crap on her bed that she's too lazy to clean up that she "has" to sleep over at Cory's (because, you know, it's not like we've got 2 couches and a love sac in the living room...), and she's got make up and hair clippings all over the bathroom sink... could she get much nastier? I submit that she could not! When friends come over I am so embarrassed, but I refuse to clean up her mess and I let them know that, but then I'm embarrassed for her! I don't understand how she can live like that, even at my worst I wouldn't be able to stand it! Wait... I know, she doesn't ever actually live here so she doesn't have to deal with her own mess... She's always out partying or over at Cory's...  So, she comes and does her little "piggy thing" in MY HOME and then leaves so she doesn't have to live in it. Not cool! If anyone has any ideas for how to get her to get her crap together, please PLEASE PLEEEEEEEAAAAAASSSSSSSEEEE let me know!

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Thou art an unintelligent harlot

You a stupid hoe! You a you a stupid hoe! That's right, this post is about that freakin, little, Mormon whore!

I put up with a lot of crap from my sister, M'kenna, but the biggest thing that bothers me right now is her interactions with the male gender. Since October she has pretty much been with my friend Cory (but not really). They're not official so apparently that has made it ok for her to kiss several boys in the past 1/2 a year, including one of my ex-boyfriends. But, even though they're not official, they still look, act, and feel like a couple, they even claim each other! "You can't have her, she's mine." "She can get over it, cuz you're mine." They make so much sense it hurts... She would always flirt with guys (one in particular named Forrest), but when they started to like her and thought she liked them, she would tell them to back off because she had a boyfriend... then called them jack-asses when they got mad about it. I wonder what could have possibly upset them...
Finally, after like 5 months, they became "official".... which lasted like 2 weeks... WTF?! It's not like anything changed this entire time except their title so I'm not sure what their problem is. Just a few days after Kenna had "broken up" with Cory, I came home to find her on the couch cuddling with (what's his face? oh yeah!) Lucas. They ended up falling asleep on the couch. So that means that her and Cory are over, right? DEAD WRONG! The next 2 nights she was back at Cory's like nothing had ever happened. The day after that she was watching a movie and dear Marshall had his arm around her now. Then she's always out partying and she'll bring home a different guy every week. All the while, she still spends her nights at Cory's, he still takes her everywhere, buys her stuff, feeds her, takes her out for movies, rollerblading, mini-golf, whatever she feels like... He helped get her eviction notice extended so she wouldn't get kicked out, then ended up paying over $200 bucks of her rent for her! He's actually spent well over $2000 on her, and that's just since January! He still has strong feelings for her and thinks that she still has feelings for him, she's just scared of getting too serious. He has no idea what she does when he's not around, and would NOT be ok with it if he found out...
According to him, they broke up because they were afraid they were getting too serious. According to her, he proposed and so she broke things off because he was really clingy and she wasn't ready for marriage yet. I have since talked to him about all of this and we both found out that pretty much everything she says is a lie. He has had MANY conversations with her and they've sorted it out. I seriously doubt it because they're always still together, they still act like a couple, and she still spends her nights over at his place. Well, most nights... last night a new chapter developed... Aydan...

So Aydan is this great guy that M'kenna works with. He's got the mouth of a sailor, he smokes and loves talking about weed and cocaine, he's got a huge tattoo on his arm, he dumped a chick at prom (i think just 4 nights ago), and he has such a great, nasty sense of humor. To put it in M'kenna's words, "isn't he a keeper?!" Oh yeah, totally... Last night was the first time I'd not only met this guy, but ever heard of him, and yet they were so tangled up on the couch that I couldn't tell which limbs belonged to whom! They were all kissy and gross right in front of me and my friends. They were watching The Notebook because it's his favorite movie. In my mind that can only mean one of 2 things: either he's gay, or he's a total tool who wants to look sensitive so he can get in a chick's pants. I could see it going either way. After the movie they migrate to the bedroom and you can hear them making out through the walls. I walked in to put my stuff away, "not realizing they were in there", and he was on top of her doing... I don't even want to know. I left and ended up falling asleep on the couch. But, before I completely lost consciousness, this sweetheart decided to ease my mind by coming out and telling me to not worry, they were only making out. Making out on the first time over, that's elegant... He then proceeded to tell me that he was going to use one of my pillows, ew! I woke up the next morning to him on the phone; I pretended to be asleep so I could hear the full, unedited conversation (yes, I know I'm an evesdropper). First he was yelling at some guy for letting him oversleep, then coughing profusely as he asked someone if he could postpone his court date because he was just so so sick, then yelling at the guy again for not telling him to be at the courthouse by 8:30 when it didn't start til 9 (why on earth would someone want to be a bit early for court? it's not like you're trying to make a good impression or anything...) Once his phone calls were done, he and Kenna started talking about some guy that was hitting her and now, after last night, he could be all like "back off dude, dat ass is mine". That they didn't do anything but he, in the words of M'kenna, "got on that shit." Why she's talking like she's all BA, I have no idea...

So basically, my sister's a Mormon slut, her new boyfriend's a piece-of-crap douche, and I'm back to square one, freaking out about what my little sister is doing and worrying that she's ok and if she's still a virgin and all that jazz that I just love so much... FML

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

*Boys suck*

Boys just straight up suck! I've noticed there are several types of guys in my life and all of them make me so mad I could spit. So here is a guide to the "Men of M'kaaylie":

1. "the creep"- There are several guys that DO like me, I know they do. The only problem is that they are total creepers. They only hang out with me to get with me; they don't actually want to be my friend. These guys are usually on complete opposites of the spectrum. Either they're extremely peter priesthood boys that don't know how to act around girls so they're ridiculously awkward and don't know how to have any fun. Or they're bad boys who drink and smoke and swear and just want to get in my pants...

2. "the flirt"- These guys will be sweet and funny and flirty with me for a little bit. A part of me thinks they might like me and it might be worth a shot, until I see that they're just like that to everyone. They usually aren't interested in girls or dating or a relationship or just something along those lines with anyone. Boys categorized as flirts are what first introduced me to my most common hang out place these days: the "friend zone".  Not only do they not like me right now, I'm not even a viable dating option anymore. This really sucks with "the flirt" because this type of guy is usually sweet and funny and a lot of the great things that I look for in a guy.

3. "the dude"- To a lot of guys I don't think I'm seen as a girl. I have a lot of masculine tendencies and I like a lot of the same crap that guys do. I don't specifically like them and they don't like me, we're just friends. I'm viewed as "one of the guys", "not dateable", "a dude". I don't really mind "the dudes" who are just my friends, but sometimes I wish I was more than just that. I want to be that pretty, funny, tough, sensitive, pathetic girl that guys like. Every once in a while I want to be the girl that guys go to their "friend zoned" gal friends to talk about, instead of being stuck in that "friend zone" all the time myself helping guys with their chicks. I wish I could even be given a chance as an option.

4. "the possibility"- This category of boy is very similar to "the flirt" except there's a deeper connection. "The possibility" refers to guys that I've known for a bit, we've hung out, we know each other and we click. We'll tease and flirt and joke and we've got each others back. They become one of my very good friends and I've usually started developing at least a small dose of feelings for him. In my mind I can see a glimpse of hope at the idea that there might be even a possibility of us getting together. Only problem is that the favor is, like, never returned. Here we have what is called the "best friend zone" or even worse, the "sister zone". Once you've been sister zoned, you're screwed; trust me, I know... It usually all starts when my "possibility" starts asking for advice about another girl; that's when you know you're toast.

5. "the dream"- Oh boy, the dream... what to make of the dream? As everyone that knows me knows, I get crushes on lots of guys. "the dream" is only referring to major major crushes. The ones that last for more than just a couple weeks or even just a couple months. No, I'm talking about the guys that I've had a hard time thinking straight around since August, June, September 2010, even December 2008. These are the guys I would date in a heartbeat. They're strong in the church, funny, dorky, musical, goofy but mature, and attractive both physically (to me) and emotionally. They have sweet personalities that make me want to melt. They are as happy and confident as I am and are also not afraid to show it or to share it! The only problem is that these "dream boys" are just that... dreams... they don't acknowledge me, they don't hang out with me, most of the time I don't think they notice me; I'm just another member of the band or face in the ward; nothing special.

6. "the gay"- This last category seems kind of unnecessary and self explanatory, like it goes without saying. Well, just my luck, I've run into the situation on a number of occasions where I'll hang out with a guy and the traits resemble very closely to that of "the flirt". There's only one problem: turns out we bat for the same team! My heart is crushed as I find out that my crush and I have crushed on the same person before... nothing weird about that... But seriously, when does that happen?! And on multiple occasions too! It's just ridiculous! But that's just my luck...

So, as you can see, no matter what type of guy a boy is in my life, they suck balls... hard...