Friday, June 1, 2012

That'll do pig, that'll do...

I've decided I am going to start calling M'kenna "Babe" because she is the pig in Orem City...

M'kenna and I have never been the tidiest people. Growing up my mom would constantly be on our case about cleaning up. With me it was mostly just stuff on the floor of my room, with Kenna it was everything... When I moved out my habits came with me; I'd take a few days to do my dishes, I'd leave my clothes on the floor and stuff would pile up on my desk. However, as time went on I started getting grossed out by the dishes so I started cleaning them right after I used them, I kept my floor tidier, I clean up messes that I made, and I tried organizing my desk more often.
Kenna had the same problem when she moved in with me, the only problem is that her mess gets in everyone's way (I at least tried to keep mine confined to my room), and she's not learning! 9 months and she still NEVER does her dishes, she never helps out with any chores, her clothes are scattered all over her floor and there's a big pile behind our door that prevents me from opening it more than half way, her stuff is EVERYWHERE in the apartment, she has all these crafts and then never picks up the mess, there's so much crap on her bed that she's too lazy to clean up that she "has" to sleep over at Cory's (because, you know, it's not like we've got 2 couches and a love sac in the living room...), and she's got make up and hair clippings all over the bathroom sink... could she get much nastier? I submit that she could not! When friends come over I am so embarrassed, but I refuse to clean up her mess and I let them know that, but then I'm embarrassed for her! I don't understand how she can live like that, even at my worst I wouldn't be able to stand it! Wait... I know, she doesn't ever actually live here so she doesn't have to deal with her own mess... She's always out partying or over at Cory's...  So, she comes and does her little "piggy thing" in MY HOME and then leaves so she doesn't have to live in it. Not cool! If anyone has any ideas for how to get her to get her crap together, please PLEASE PLEEEEEEEAAAAAASSSSSSSEEEE let me know!