Thursday, May 10, 2012

Thou art an unintelligent harlot

You a stupid hoe! You a you a stupid hoe! That's right, this post is about that freakin, little, Mormon whore!

I put up with a lot of crap from my sister, M'kenna, but the biggest thing that bothers me right now is her interactions with the male gender. Since October she has pretty much been with my friend Cory (but not really). They're not official so apparently that has made it ok for her to kiss several boys in the past 1/2 a year, including one of my ex-boyfriends. But, even though they're not official, they still look, act, and feel like a couple, they even claim each other! "You can't have her, she's mine." "She can get over it, cuz you're mine." They make so much sense it hurts... She would always flirt with guys (one in particular named Forrest), but when they started to like her and thought she liked them, she would tell them to back off because she had a boyfriend... then called them jack-asses when they got mad about it. I wonder what could have possibly upset them...
Finally, after like 5 months, they became "official".... which lasted like 2 weeks... WTF?! It's not like anything changed this entire time except their title so I'm not sure what their problem is. Just a few days after Kenna had "broken up" with Cory, I came home to find her on the couch cuddling with (what's his face? oh yeah!) Lucas. They ended up falling asleep on the couch. So that means that her and Cory are over, right? DEAD WRONG! The next 2 nights she was back at Cory's like nothing had ever happened. The day after that she was watching a movie and dear Marshall had his arm around her now. Then she's always out partying and she'll bring home a different guy every week. All the while, she still spends her nights at Cory's, he still takes her everywhere, buys her stuff, feeds her, takes her out for movies, rollerblading, mini-golf, whatever she feels like... He helped get her eviction notice extended so she wouldn't get kicked out, then ended up paying over $200 bucks of her rent for her! He's actually spent well over $2000 on her, and that's just since January! He still has strong feelings for her and thinks that she still has feelings for him, she's just scared of getting too serious. He has no idea what she does when he's not around, and would NOT be ok with it if he found out...
According to him, they broke up because they were afraid they were getting too serious. According to her, he proposed and so she broke things off because he was really clingy and she wasn't ready for marriage yet. I have since talked to him about all of this and we both found out that pretty much everything she says is a lie. He has had MANY conversations with her and they've sorted it out. I seriously doubt it because they're always still together, they still act like a couple, and she still spends her nights over at his place. Well, most nights... last night a new chapter developed... Aydan...

So Aydan is this great guy that M'kenna works with. He's got the mouth of a sailor, he smokes and loves talking about weed and cocaine, he's got a huge tattoo on his arm, he dumped a chick at prom (i think just 4 nights ago), and he has such a great, nasty sense of humor. To put it in M'kenna's words, "isn't he a keeper?!" Oh yeah, totally... Last night was the first time I'd not only met this guy, but ever heard of him, and yet they were so tangled up on the couch that I couldn't tell which limbs belonged to whom! They were all kissy and gross right in front of me and my friends. They were watching The Notebook because it's his favorite movie. In my mind that can only mean one of 2 things: either he's gay, or he's a total tool who wants to look sensitive so he can get in a chick's pants. I could see it going either way. After the movie they migrate to the bedroom and you can hear them making out through the walls. I walked in to put my stuff away, "not realizing they were in there", and he was on top of her doing... I don't even want to know. I left and ended up falling asleep on the couch. But, before I completely lost consciousness, this sweetheart decided to ease my mind by coming out and telling me to not worry, they were only making out. Making out on the first time over, that's elegant... He then proceeded to tell me that he was going to use one of my pillows, ew! I woke up the next morning to him on the phone; I pretended to be asleep so I could hear the full, unedited conversation (yes, I know I'm an evesdropper). First he was yelling at some guy for letting him oversleep, then coughing profusely as he asked someone if he could postpone his court date because he was just so so sick, then yelling at the guy again for not telling him to be at the courthouse by 8:30 when it didn't start til 9 (why on earth would someone want to be a bit early for court? it's not like you're trying to make a good impression or anything...) Once his phone calls were done, he and Kenna started talking about some guy that was hitting her and now, after last night, he could be all like "back off dude, dat ass is mine". That they didn't do anything but he, in the words of M'kenna, "got on that shit." Why she's talking like she's all BA, I have no idea...

So basically, my sister's a Mormon slut, her new boyfriend's a piece-of-crap douche, and I'm back to square one, freaking out about what my little sister is doing and worrying that she's ok and if she's still a virgin and all that jazz that I just love so much... FML